There is a Jewish tradition of burying the deceased in simple white linen garments called tachrichim. They are made from 100% white linen with no zippers, fasteners, buttons, or metal.
In modern tradition, the tachrichim consist of a shirt, jacket, pants, head cover, and belt. In the past, tachrichim may have been just a simple robe or cloth wrapped around the body. Tachrichim are simple garments in keeping with Rabban Gamliel’s Talmudic example of simplicity and equality in death.

A photo of tachrichim laid out on a table
Tachrichim are created to parallel portions of what the High Priest wore during the time of the Temple. Yet the simplicity is to remind us to be humble. Tachrichim also do not have pockets to remind us that we carry nothing material with us when we leave the physical world.
The meit/ah (deceased male/female) is dressed by the Chevra Kadisha after they have performed the taharah (purification) ritual. Dressing the meit/ah is called halbasha (dressing).
While most Chevrot Kadisha and funeral homes purchase tachrichim from Rose Solomon, a commercial supplier in Brooklyn, there is a growing trend for Chevrot Kadisha to revive the practice of sewing tachrichim locally. Sewing Patterns are available via Threads of Tradition.
To purchase tachrichim in any amount, email Rose Solomon at: