Below is a growing list of Chevrei Kadisha based in the United States and Canada.
- The directory is organized alphabetically by country and by state/province.
- To search in the Directory select the magnifying glass in the top right corner and enter search terms.
- Learn more about a Chevra by clicking anywhere in a listing; a larger box will open with detailed information, including contact information, services provided, areas of expertise, and more.
- View a larger version of this list by clicking on the “view larger version” text at the bottom right corner of the directory window and you will be taken to an external website showcasing a larger format.
- If viewing on a desktop: filter or sort a view of the directory by selecting the buttons in the top left corner of the directory window.
This list may not be used for commercial purposes.
Questions or feedback? Email us at: hello@kavodvnichum.org